Image Ideas/ Final Images for L.Y.T

My Image Ideas:
I wanted main article on my front page to be based on the fact that this is the first local newspaper created for the youth. I used a local newspaper  (Hackney Gazzette) to represent my local newspaper.  

I took these pictures to practice my camera and image adjusting skills. I therefore ensured that the models I used were in the age group for my target audience. This was ensured through:
Their clothes
The models & camera positioning
Photoshop CS3 effects and Alterations.

Their clothes
My models wore clothes to enable my target audeince to  associate themselves with in an attempt to draw them closer to the newspaper. As teenagers are often attracted to pictures than actual text it is vital that this aspect of the photo was seen to.
Models & Camera Positioning
I chose to use a low angle shot to symbolise the idea that the readers are the ones who control the content of the newspaper. The fact the they are sat down on the stair case respresents how casual their persona is; they can relax just about anywhere and have fun as long as they have their friends around them.

Photo alterations using Photoshop CS3

I decided to go with the wide mid shot of my models in order for the consumers to at least see the nameplate of my newspaper.

I used the Lasso and Rectangular Marquee Tools to crop the model who is reading my newspaper and made her stand out by using Auto Contrast on my model and newspaper  and Hue saturation on the newspaper alone. For her friends who are reading the 'normal' and 'boring' newspapers I used the Poster Edge effect to link in to the fact that they are reading the 'fake' and 'sensationalist' newspapers and to connote that my newspaper is the 'real deal'.

Potential Images To be used in final draft

Draft 1: Using the Lasso tool, I cropped a specific part of the picture which shows people dancing. This picture is meant to be used as a caption of the story 'Rave Reviews' and is supposed to attract the visual aspect of the reader to indicate what they will be reading. The fact that the majority of these individuals are black also indicates that black teenagers will especially be attracted to it. I also used hue saturation to make the sceneray lighter.

Draft 1:This is how it looked like eventually.

Final Image for Inside article: 'Teenage girl wins £3000 for local youth centre'

I decided to use this picture
mainly because of the facial expression.
She looks happy and
ecstatic and that is how I imagined her
to look. The fact that she looks young reflects
my target audience and should the story also to
indicate that if someone as young as her can
do it, anyone can.

Draft 2 (original version): Again, I used the lasso tool to crop
 out the scene behind her and to
 lead the readers to focus on the
 models facial expression and used hue/ saturation
to adjust the colour levels and
add to the fact that she's very happy to have

Leading article:'Look into the Hood not at it'

Draft 3: This picture I thought showed the physicality of the article. I thought that to show that in actual fact the boys don't mean any harm, they should be smiling and be in conversation with each other. The female represents how a lot of people feel when they are around teenagers (scared, anxious, alwasy watching their backs, etc)

Thought that the black and white colour adjustment was effective in showing the negative view society has on hoody's at the moment. The fact thet the female had the only colour was used to show that in actual fact, society is right to view teenagers in hoods as 'hooligans'.

New Pictures for re-drafts:
Sidebar picture

Side bar pictured

Sidebar pictures:
These pictures were selected for my sidebar and were just a way of indicating what/ who my article was going to be about.

Front page: I decided to change the image for this simply because I thought it was a lot more relevant to the content of my article (Teenagers and Faith: For Better or Worse?) The concept behind this picture was to show a sense unified diversity in that although they are from different faiths (the fact that they are sat opposite each other) they are in the same boat because the concept of the article applies to both of them as they believe in a supreme being (they are sat on the same table).   
Feature article: I decided to change the image for this simply because I thought it was a lot more relevant to the content of my article (Teenage girl raises £3000 for local youth centre).  

Analysis of representation:
I challenged certain theories such as Bell Hooks 'misogyny' and Laura Mulvey's 'male gaze'. There is a positive reflection of all genders as I'd like to give them all a positive reflection of my target audience.

Males: Again I wanted to bring out positivity in them as I wanted to contradict Amanthia Diawara's theory on the Blackface Stereotype; I wanted to portray all males of my target audience as independent, caring individuals who have ambitions that they are keen to pursue and achieve rather than being 'aggressive and violent' people who are trying to take their anger of being oppressed for so long out on society.

Sonia Livingstone (Making Sense of Television, 1990): 'texts attempt to position readers as particular kinds of subjects through particular modes of address”
I've decided to position my readers as positive, self seeking individuals; this means that they must be addressed in a positive way because that is the representation I'm going for. The females are not objectified in any way neither are they made to look like that is only pleasurable to men.

Audience reception:
From the feedback I've recieved in regards of my images; there is a preferred reading from my target audience in that they acknowledge the positive representation and agree with it; if anything, its what attracts them to want to read it.

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