Because my newspaper is supposed to be an informative one for the youth, I decided to base my adverts on the different educational, career services available. To indicate that this advert is for the youth, my models were of the target market’s age and wore clothes which my readers to associate them to. This also links to the reception theory in particular Uses and gratifications (personal identity/ entertainment/ social intergration/ interaction).
I used the Lasso tool to crop the images out of its original condition and import it into a yellow background. To represent the diverse personas of each individual within my target group, I used a different font and a different colour for each word.
The images used are supposed to reflect 'the aspirers' of my target market; those who want to achieve the best they possibly can but don't exactly know how to or where to go to seek help. I also wanted to incorporate age representation as well as race.
I decided to have a promotional holiday offer that I believe will appeal to my target market. At a time whereby we are bombarded with exams and studies, it is a good promotional offer as I believe that a lot of members who are in full time education after all their exams will be dying to take a break and be able to relax.